Annual Christmas Shopping Trip to Queensgate Mall, Lower Hutt

Wednesday 30th October, Leaving Farriers Carpark at 9:00am. Returning approx. 4.00pm.

Cost: $45 - Buy or take own lunch

To book your seat call Deanne (06) 3770066

Buddy Up!

You may be interested in joining an existing group or know someone who does. The groups we currently have cater to all ages, all levels. Everyone is welcome – no registration required. Come along and give it a go or get in touch if you would like to learn more about the groups currently running.

Christmas Lunch Buffet

RSA Masterton, 20 Essex Street
Wednesday 27th November, 12:00pm
Cost: $45

To book a place call Deanne (06) 3770066

Exercise Classes

We offer a range of regular exercise classes catering to the different health and mobility needs of older people. These classes are held throughout the region and offer a fabulous opportunity to connect with others and improve your health and well-being while doing it.

Social Outings

Age Concern Wairarapa offers a range of different social outings for older people in the community. There are regular opportunities for older people to participate in activities that promote connection and well-being – whether you would like to attend one of our coffee mornings hosted throughout the region or join in on one of our trips to a special location.

Manaaki te katoa | Be kind to all