Kori Tinana
We offer a range of exercise classes catering to the different health and mobility needs of older people. These classes are held throughout the region and offer a fabulous opportunity to connect with others and improve your health and well-being while doing it.
Steady As You Go ©
Our Steady As You Go exercise classes are available at various locations in Wairarapa. These classes are designed to improve your strength and balance and help reduce falls and injuries. The classes are a great way to meet new people.
Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing and walking exercises and take around an hour. They are ideal for complete beginners and anyone wanting to continue working on their leg strength and balance. The classes are established by one of our staff members with the aim of becoming peer-led at the end of 10 weeks.
Classes cost $2 per session. Please arrive 10 minutes before the class is due to start. For more information please contact us.
When: Monday weekly
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall, 8 Cole Street, Masterton
Time: 1.30 pm
When: Thursday weekly
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall, 8 Cole Street, Masterton
Time: 9.30 am
When: Monday weekly
Where: Baptist Church, 112 Broadway
Time: 1.30pm
When: Wednesday weekly
Where: Baptist Church, 112 Broadway
Time: 1.30pm
When: Monday weekly
Where: Assembly of God, 22 Birdwood Street, Featherston
Time: 9.30am
When: Thursday weekly
Where: Assembly of God, 22 Birdwood Street, Featherston
Time: 1.30pm
When: Friday weekly
Where: Wharekaka Village, Oxford Street
Time: 10.00am
Steady As You Go © is an approved strength and balance programme in the Government’s Live Stronger for Longer initiative. Find out more about Live Stronger for Longer.
Keep Fit!
The Keep Fit! classes are targeted towards older people who are after more of a fitness challenge. The approach is holistic, involving the whole body as well as cognitive skills, and provides an excellent opportunity to meet and catch up with others.
There are three parts to each class:
- Sit and be fit – focus on breath, stretching and joint flexibility. Some exercises are done with weights
- Standing exercises – standing up/sitting down and balance exercises
- Movements to music – routines choreographed to music.
Once the class has finished, there is the opportunity to sit together enjoying a chat and cuppa.
Classes cost $2 per session. Please arrive 10 minutes before the class is due to start. For more information please contact us.
When: Monday weekly
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall, 8 Cole Street, Masterton
Time: 9.30 am
When: Thursday weekly
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall, 8 Cole Street, Masterton
Time: 10.30 am
Line Dancing
Classes cost $2 per session. Please arrive 10 minutes before the class is due to start. For more information please contact us.
When: Monday weekly
Where: Senior Citizen’s Hall, 8 Cole Street, Masterton
Time: 10.30 am
Tús maith leath na hoibre | A good start is half the work