Age Concern Wairarapa is a charity organisation and invites anyone in the region with an interest in matters affecting older people to become a member. Our members enjoy many benefits and we acknowledge the important role they play in supporting our work.
We also welcome donations to help support the running of our services.
Member Benefits:
- A copy of the quarterly Age Concern Wairarapa magazine delivered to your door
- Priority invitations to gatherings and events
- The ability to vote at our Annual General Meeting
- Discounted entry to our exercise classes and coffee morning
- The opportunity to be part of an organisation working to support the wellbeing and quality of life for older people in Wairarapa
Annual Membership Cost (1 July – June 30)
Single $25.00
Couple $40.00
GST inclusive
Ways to pay
Over the phone
Call us on 06 377 0066 and we can take your payment details over the phone
In person
Pop into our office – you can pay using EFT-POS or cash
Internet banking
Pay directly into our account 01 0682 0058102 00 (Please use your name as reference)
Become a Member
* All form fields marked with an asterisk are required
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi | With your basket and my basket the people will live